Recent Local Government Activity
County: Orange City: Eatonville
Date Created: 01/17/25
Last updated:01/17/25
Eatonville, FL to Consider Ordinance Creating New Use Regulations Chapter
The purpose of updating the towns zoning district uses is to provide a consolidated use table that includes
a comprehensive list of uses for the town so that additional business, retail, offices, and residential uses
are listed to ensure the town provides a range of uses to encourage redevelopment, infill with respect to
the existing uses in the town. The Planning Board had a workshop on May 13, 2024, and during a regular
Planning Board Meeting (June 13, 2024) voted unanimously to approve the recommended land
development code revisions. A workshop with the Town Council was held on July 16, 2024, for review
of the Planning Board recommendations and to provide additional public input and direction from the
Town Council.
Issue History
01/17/25 The Council will hold first reading at the 1/21/25 meeting.
Related Documents
1/21/25 Background1/21/25 Meeting Agenda