
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Seminole   City: Oviedo

Date Created: 07/24/24
Last updated:07/24/24

Oviedo, FL to Consider Resolution Establishing the FY2025 Millage Rate
The Council will Consider Resolution No. 4486-24 A Resolution of the City of Oviedo, Florida, Adopting the Tentative Millage Rates to Be Levied for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 by the City of Oviedo City Government; Adopting the Tentative Millage Rates for The 2024-2025 Fiscal Year for the City of Oviedo at the Overall Combined Rate of 6.0750 Mills With 5.9540 Mills for the City's Operations and 0.1210 Mills for Payment on the 2003 General Obligation Bond Issue/voted Debt Service; Expressing Legislative and Administrative Findings and Intent; Establishing the Date, Time and Place for the First Public Hearing on the Tentative Millage Rates to Be September 5, 2024, and the First Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget on the Same Date at 6:30 P.m. Or Shortly Thereafter; and Providing for Implementing Administrative Actions, Scrivener’s Errors, Conflicts, Severability, and an Effective Date.

Issue History

07/24/24  The Council will consider the resolution at the 7/29/24 meeting.

Related Documents

7/29/24 Background
7/29/24 Meeting Agenda