
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Madison

Date Created: 07/23/24
Last updated:07/23/24

Madison County, FL to Consider Making Revision to Animal Control Ordinance
The Commission will consider An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Madison County, Florida Pertaining to Animal Care and Control Reestablishing and Providing a County Wide System for the Care, Control, Management and Regulation of Animals; Providing for the Incorporation of Recitals; Providing That This Ordinance Shall Be Designated and May Be Cited as the “madison County Animal Care and Control Ordinance”; Authorizing the Board to Enact Rules and Regulations; Providing the Statutory Authority for This Ordinance; Providing for Definitions; Requiring Collars and Identification for Dogs And Cats; Prohibiting Public Nuisance Animals; Providing The Removal and Disposal of Animal Waste; Providing for Rabies Control; Providing for the Classification and Control of Dangerous Animals; Providing for the Handling of Animal Cruelty Complaints; Authorizing Property Owners and Tenants to Restrain Animals Found In Violation of This Ordinance on Their Property; Providing For the Holding and Disposition of Stray Animals; Providing for the Animal Controlservices Department’s Right of Entry; Providing for the Designation of the County’s Animal Services Department and Animal Services Officers; Providing for Enforcement; Providing for Penalties; Providing for the Issuance and Dispositions of Citations; Providing for Exemptions From Public Records Laws; Providing for Fees; Providing for Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances and for the Repeal of Ordinance Nos. 94-61, 96-80, 99-100 and 99-105 in Their Entirety; Providing For Severability; and Providing for an Effective Date.

Issue History

07/23/24  The Commission will discuss and review the ordinance at the 7/24/24 meeting.

Related Documents

7/24/24 Background
7/24/24 Meeting Agenda

Lobbying Information
Require lobbyist registration? Yes
Lobbyist registration fee? $0
Additional information: To participate in speaking at a County Commission meeting, wait for the "comments" portion of the meeting. If an item you want to speak about is not listed on the agenda, sign in before the meeting & you can speak during the "petitions to the public". For more information, contact the County Coordinator Allen Cherry, madisonbocc@embarqmail.com, 850.973.3179.