
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Madison

Date Created: 07/23/24
Last updated:07/23/24

Madison County, FL to Consider Site Plan Approval for Telecommunications Facility
The Commission will Review and Recommendation for Possible Approval – Site Plan for Proposed Unmanned Telecommunications Facility for Uniti Fiber – Parcel No. 33-1N-09-5134-006-000.

Issue History

07/23/24  The Commission will discuss the item at the 7/24/24 meeting.

Related Documents

7/24/24 Meeting Agenda

Lobbying Information
Require lobbyist registration? Yes
Lobbyist registration fee? $0
Additional information: To participate in speaking at a County Commission meeting, wait for the "comments" portion of the meeting. If an item you want to speak about is not listed on the agenda, sign in before the meeting & you can speak during the "petitions to the public". For more information, contact the County Coordinator Allen Cherry, madisonbocc@embarqmail.com, 850.973.3179.