
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Volusia   City: Daytona Beach

Date Created: 06/29/24
Last updated:06/29/24

Daytona Beach, FL to Consider Setting Tentative FY25 Millage Rate
The Commission will Consider a Resolution advising the Property Appraiser for advertising purposes, the FY 2024/25 proposed tentative (not to exceed) operating millage rate, rolled-back rate, and voted debt service rate. The requested proposed tentative millage rates for each $1,000 of assessed valuations are: Rolled Back: X.XXXX Proposed General Fund Operating: 5.4300 Voted Debt Service: X.XXXX The first public hearing is scheduled for September 4, 2024, on which the proposed tentative millage rate and proposed FY 2024/25 Budget will be acted upon.

Issue History

06/29/24  The Commission will consider the item at the 7/03/24 meeting.

Related Documents

7/03/24 Background
7/03/24 Meeting Agenda