
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Miami-Dade   City: Miami Shores

Date Created: 06/28/24
Last updated:06/28/24

Miami Shores Village, FL to Consider Ordinance Affecting Maximum Lots within One-Family Residential Districts
The Council will Consider An Ordinance of the Village Council of Miami Shores Village, Florida, Amending Appendix a, “zoning” of the Village’s Code of Ordinances by Amending Section 201, “tense and Number; Certain Words, Terms Defined,” to Create Definitions for “floor Area Ratio,” “impervious Area,” and “lot Coverage,” Amending Section 404, “compliance With Space and Area Restrictions”and Section 406, “reduction of Plot Area So as to Provide For Smaller Yard or Open Space Prohibited” Both for Consistency and Clarity, and Creating Section 411, “development Standards” to Relocate the Village’s Schedule of Regulations; Creating Section 412 to Establish Regulations for Maximum Lot Coverage, Floor Area Ratio, Maximum Impervious Area, and Supplemental Yard Depth and Step Back Requirements For Properties Located Within the One-family Residential (R) Districts; Providing for Severability; Providing for Conflict; Providing for Codification; Providing for an Effective Date. (Staff: Planning and Zoning Department).

Issue History

06/28/24  The Council will hold first reading at the 7/02/24 meeting.

Related Documents

7/02/24 Background
7/02/24 Meeting Agenda

Lobbying Information
Require lobbyist registration? Yes
Lobbyist registration fee? $75
Additional information: All individuals seeking to influence legislation or any official action or decision of the Miami Shores Village Council or its individual members, Village Boards, Village Manager, or Village Department Heads are required to register as lobbyists with the Village Clerk before engaging in any lobbying activity. The Lobbyist Registration form is available here. For more information, contact the City Clerk's Office at (305) 762-4870.