
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Alachua   City: Opa-Locka

Date Created: 06/22/24
Last updated:07/21/24

Opa-Locka, FL to Consider Ordinance Affecting Projects Containing Affordable Housing
The Commission will Consider An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Opa- Locka, Florida, Creating a New Article Xi of the City Code of Ordinances; Renumbering the Following Sections; Specifically Adopting Certain Provisions of Senate Bill 102, The “live Local Act” Relating to Affordable Housing; Providing for the Administrative Approval of Certain Qualified Projects Containing Affordable Housing Units; Authorizing the City Manager to Take Certain Actions; Providing for Incorporation of Recitals; Providing for Conflict; Providing for Severability; Providing for an Effective Date.

Issue History

07/21/24  The Commission will hold second reading at the 7/24/24 meeting.

06/22/24  The Commission will hold first reading at the 6/26/24 meeting.

Related Documents

7/24/24 Background
7/24/24 Meeting Agenda
6/26/24 Meeting Agenda

Lobbying Information
Require lobbyist registration? Yes
Lobbyist registration fee? $300
Additional information: Pursuant to the City’s Code of Ordinances, all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities, register with the city clerk. In addition, lobbyists shall submit to the city clerk a signed statement under oath listing all lobbying expenditures for the preceding calendar year. For more information, contact the City Clerk's Office at (305) 688-4611.