
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Pinellas   City: Treasure Island

Date Created: 06/13/24
Last updated:07/25/24

Treasure Island, FL to Consider Ordinance Affecting Hotel Room Limitations
The Commission will Hold First Reading of Ordinance 2024-03, Amending Section 3-4 “Proximity of Establishments to Church or School – Exception” by removing the 50-room requirement for hotels from the exception; amending Section 68-302 to correct a codification error; amending Section 68-484 “Accessory Uses in Motels or Hotels” to distinguish between accessory uses and incidental services.

Issue History

07/25/24  The Commission will hold second reading at the 7/30/24 meeting.

07/11/24  The Commission will hold first reading at the 7/16/24 meeting.

06/13/24  The Commission will hold first reading at the 6/18/24 meeting.

Related Documents

7/30/24 Background
7/30/24 Meeting Agenda
7/16/24 Background
7/16/24 Meeting Agenda
6/18/24 Background
6/18/24 Meeting Agenda