
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Levy   City: Williston

Date Created: 04/01/24
Last updated:06/28/24

Williston, FL to Consider Ordinance Affecting Use for Non-Conforming Structures
The Council will Consider Ordinance 2024-725 An Ordinance of the City of Williston, Florida, Amending the City of Williston Land Development Regulations; Amending Section 44-i2,non-conforming Lots, Non- Conforming Uses of Laid, Non-conforming Structures, Non-conforming Characteristics Of Use, and Nonconforming Use of Structures and Premises; Amending Section 60-172, Permitted Principle Uses and Structures; Amending Section 60-179, Maximum Floor Area Ratio; Amending Section 60.180 Maximum Lot Coverage by All Impervious Surfaces; Amending Section 60-182 Minimum Off.street Pariilng Requirements Described Herein; Providing Severability; and Providing an Effective Date.

Issue History

06/28/24  The Council will hold second reading at the 7/02/24 meeting.

04/15/24  The Council will hold second reading at the 4/16/24 meeting.

04/01/24  The Council will hold public hearing at the 4/02/24 meeting.

Related Documents

7/02/24 Background
7/02/24 Meeting Agenda
4/16/24 Meeting Agenda
4/02/24 Background
4/02/24 Meeting Agenda